Belle Gang Blog
Our insider tips, tricks and things to know to get the most out of your workouts at TTB!

Dance to fight depression
A recent study has indicated that dancing is one of the best forms of treatment for depression. This is something we already believe, but we're happy to have science back our theory up! Dancing is one of the best ways to get out of your head and into your body to...
Stay Consistent this summer
Stay Consistent During Summer Months Summetime, especially in Chicago, can make you feel like you need to take advantage of every nice day. It's an easy time to lose consistency in your workouts so we came up with a few tips to keep you on track with your...
What’s is a recovery day anyway?
Have you ever heard someone say "Tomorrow is my recovery day" and wondered what the hell do they mean?!? TTB is here to break down what a recovery day is and how you can create the best one for yourself. So what is a recovery day anyway? Taking a recovery day means...
The creation of TTB
The dance world is wild. It can swollow you up and spit you out. Speak with any former dancer and you'll hear of a love-hate relationship with dance. You can feel the joy and passion when they speak of their fond memories of the studio and the stage, but there's...
Get Back After a workout slump
It happens to us all. You fall off your fitness routine, and you find yourself feeling guilty. Days can go into weeks and then you're filled with fear and reistance on getting back into your workout ritual. The longer you stay away, the harder it is to come back....
Why you should prioritize strength training
We did a poll with our members to see how many days of the week they did a strength focused class. The majority said only once a week. While we love the effort, how about upping that number to three times a week!?! Think of strength training as your main course of...
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